Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Brayden made the paper!

Yesterday was Grandma Jeanie's birthday, and Brayden decided to take her to the zoo while Susie and I went to get her ultrasound done. While they were going through the Minnesota Trail looking at the beavers, some ladies from the St. Paul Pioneer Press were taking pictures for the paper. They asked if they could take some of Brayden. Jeanie said they took more than 20. They got his info and put a pretty cool pic in the paper and online at http://photo.twincities.com/index.php/2008/01/28/on-the-trail-at-the-minnesota-zoo/
That's the pic link, here's the story link
Enjoy the picture, and I'll do better at posting more than twice a month.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas Time


OK, I just found the camera that Susie had been hiding (in her purse, I kind of knew where it was) so I can now post a few pics from the Holidays.
We had a pretty good Christmas this year even though Susie had to work Christmas Eve and Day. We spent the weekend before in Wisconsin at my Grandma's house and my parents house. We spent an extra day there due to a mysterious winter storm that blew through undetected by local weathermen and women.
On Christmas Eve, Susie worked in the morning and slept until the afternoon. When she got up, we went to her parent's house to have dinner and open presents with her family.
Brayden made out like a bandit this year, and everyone was very good to him, especially Santa.
So, Merry Christmas to everyone, and Happy New Year and only 379 days until Bush is out of office!!!!