Monday, June 23, 2008

Settled in at home

Adam's first week at home has gone really well. He's sleeping about halfway through the night and wakes up for feedings and dirty diapers. Brayden is enjoying having a little brother very much. Every time I take him out, he wants to go home sooner than usual because he says he misses his brother.

First Week at Home

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Adam Michael

Adam was born on Thursday the 12th at 10:34 a.m. He weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and came in at 19 inches long. We went in for the induction at 8:00 and they broke Susie's water at 8:30. She labored for 2 hours and pushed a total of 4 times. She said it was fast and intense and she decided not to use any anesthetics (pretty brave). We were able to leave the hospital today (the 14th) after the docs gave Susie and Adam a clean bill of health. Brayden was was at home with Grandma and Grandpa waiting patiently for his new little brother to get home. We've been here a few hours and everything is going really well.

Adam Michael

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Baby News

We were expecting to have a new baby today. Susie's doctor scheduled her for an induction this morning at 7:30 so we had our family here early. Well, the hospital called just before we were ready to leave and said they couldn't get her in until 9 or so. So we waited. Susie called at nine and they said they'd call when she could come in. At noon they called back and said they would reschedule her for Thursday morning at 7:30. It looks like we'll be waiting a few more days for the kid to come.