Friday, December 19, 2008

Last Weekend

We had a pretty fun weekend planned out for the kids and us last week.
Brayden has been a Mickey Mouse fan since he first laid eyes on the "club house friends" as he calls them. When we found out that Disney On Ice was coming again, we figured it would be a good idea to take him. Last time he went, he was over a year old and he did really well, but we didn't know how Adam would be since he's only six months old. Brayden had a great time, as we expected, but Adam totally surprised us. The kid wouldn't sit down. He wanted to be up dancing every time a song was playing (the whole thing is a musical, by the way). So he was up on our laps jumping and screaming (in delight) for over half of it. He did end up getting tired and cranky after intermission, but it was still a really good time.

On Saturday Aunt Shonda and Uncle Kevin came over for the afternoon to celebrate Christmas with us. The boys had a lot of fun with them, but couldn't wait until after lunch to open presents. When the presents were opened the kids played with Shonda all afternoon and I had some quality time with Kevin and Madden. The only problem was, I got blown out on my own turf. Until next time Kevin!

That night we went to downtown Minneapolis for the Hollydazzle parade. We met our friends Chris and Emily and their boys Caleb and Eli at the MOA and took the light rail down there. It would have been a great trip except Adam decided to SCREAM the whole way there. I'm not sure if there is anything worse than a train full of people looking at you and there isn't anything you can do but let him scream it out. Oh well. He calmed down when we got there and the kids (and adults) had a great time.

On Sunday, Aunt Annie and Mike came over to play. Annie with the boys, and Mike with me and Madden. We had lunch together and hung out all afternoon.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Tree

We got our tree last week.


Yesterday was a pretty eventful day. In the morning we went to play gym so Brayden could get some exercise and play with his friends.

We stayed there for a few hours, and then went to the Mall Of America. KFAN was having a Toys for Tots drive and broadcasting there all day. Brayden brought a toy and dropped it off with the marines. For donating a toy, they let us pick a prize card from a box and we ended up getting an autographed Gus Frerotte mini football. Not to exciting. But then Bernard Berrian showed up to do an interview. After he finished, he came down to sign autographs, so Brayden took his ball up and got that signed. At least he got one good player's signature.