Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter

Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend. We spent Friday and Saturday in Marshfield WI. My grandma Edith had a tumor and a quarter of her lung removed Thursday, so we brought the boys up to visit her. My mom brought a big lunch to the hospital, so we had a little family dinner with my parents, uncle, and his boys. We were also able to visit my Aunt and her family for a while Saturday morning. Adam really liked visiting his cousin Austin, they are about a week apart.
On Sunday we went to Church with Susie's parents and had brunch at their house. Adam and I took a long nap after brunch and woke up just in time for dinner. Cathy, George, Annie and Mike were there so we had a big sit down dinner.
After dinner Brayden and the rest of the boys went out to throw the football around, but Adam stayed inside to get his first haircut. It turned out really nice, Jeanie did a great job.

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